温曼家族捐款250美元,000 to Support Access and Equity Initiatives at bet亚洲365欢迎投注


12月6日, 2021年至今, 主席凯文·温曼和他的妻子贝丝已经承诺提供250美元,000英镑捐给圣母学院.  Their generous gift will support a number of priorities designed to make a Marist education more accessible and equitable for talented students, 不管他们的经济状况如何.

“在我短暂的时间里, 我已经非常清楚,bet亚洲365欢迎投注正在蓬勃发展, 但有潜力达到更高的高度,凯文说. bet亚洲365欢迎投注做到这一点的方法之一就是吸引, 招收, and retain a diverse group of talented students and enable them to experience the full range of curricular and co-curricular offerings once they arrive, 不管他们的经济状况如何. Our pledge is intended to be one small step towards helping all of our students to reach their full potential and get the most out of their Marist experience.”

“Members of the Board are extremely pleased that Kevin and Beth have decided to provide not only their time and talents to making Marist the very best it can be, but also the generous contribution of their financial resources,罗斯·毛里说, 校董会主席. “Their support is an early indication that they have a deep commitment to bet亚洲365欢迎投注 and have tremendous confidence in its future.” 

Their pledge will support five distinct and important institutional priorities: 

  • 扩大丹尼斯和玛丽莲·默里捐赠奖学金基金, which provides financial assistance to extremely talented students who might not otherwise attend Marist. This fund, now valued at over $3 million, was established in Dennis and Marilyn’s honor in 2016. 自从, the fund has provided significant financial support to help Marist attract and 招收 students who demonstrate great potential to become leaders in their chosen fields. “这是我们承诺的一部分, we are thrilled to support excellent students with financial need while honoring Dennis and Marilyn Murray and their legacy in propelling Marist forward to become the institution that it is today,凯文和贝丝注意到. 


  • Create the “Presidential Internship Support Fund” to assist students with financial need to secure internships in fields where such experiences are often unpaid and thus create barriers for students with financial need to pursue careers in these fields. “It is essential for students to participate in internships in order to succeed in the global workplace,玛丽·琼斯说。, 就业服务执行主任, 德斯蒙德·默里, 负责雇主体验的副主任. Increasingly, successful careers begin with internships, and often these are unpaid or underpaid. “It is heartbreaking to know that some of our students forgo internship opportunities because of financial limitations. This fund will allow students to pursue the field of greatest interest to them and secure internship experiences that will position them for success,他们注意到. 


  • Create the “Presidential Academic Travel Fund” to enable students with financial need to 招收 in courses that include a travel component. “These courses enhance learning outcomes and provide unforgettable – even life-altering – experiences for students and faculty alike,该校教务副校长汤姆·维尔穆斯说. 这笔新基金将支付部分或全部旅费, 并有助于减少参与的经济障碍, 鼓励更多的学生寻求这些机会, and provide for a greater degree of equity in accessing all elements of the Marist curriculum.  


  • Create the “Presidential First Year Academic Support Fund” to enhance the support that incoming students receive to assist in their successful transition to Marist. “我们所有的学生都有不可思议的天赋和潜力, 然而,准备程度却不尽相同,凯文注意到. “Supporting the needs of students who did not benefit from the same level of pre-college preparation as some of their classmates will help them get over this initial hurdle, allow them to feel a greater degree of confidence and a sense of belonging, and make it more likely that they will complete their Marist degree,凯文说。. 该基金将以各种方式帮助这些学生, 包括辅导, 精神健康支持, 写作和定量支持.


  • 向圣母基金捐款. 这个基金,筹集了超过1美元.每年300万, 是一个重要的手段,通过马里斯校友, 父母, 和朋友们为学院提供经济支持. “We are pleased that President Weinman believes deeply in the significance of annual giving as a vital complement to the other thoughtful priorities he and Beth are supporting with their generous pledge,克里斯·德尔乔诺说, 推进副总裁, 香奈儿·马里诺, 年度捐赠总监. “Gifts to the Marist Fund support all aspects of the Marist experience, and their commitment will supplement the generosity of thousands of others in the Marist community.”  


With this pledge, Kevin and Beth are excited to begin a lifetime of giving to Marist. “Beth and I believe that an investment in bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is an excellent one. 作为总统, I will do all I can to ensure that these and other sources of support will have the highest degree of impact on the College and its students,凯文注意到. 他们邀请圣母学院的校友, 父母, and friends to consider supporting the College in ways and at amounts that are meaningful to them. “在社区的集体支持下, 圣人能成就大事,凯文说, “and become the very best institution of higher education that it can be.” 
